Month August 2022

Why Yes, You requirement to Revisit the bit Black backpack

Does she or doesn’t she have feline food in there? Is it 1994? Are we using Doc Martens, flowery black gowns as well as Revlon Raisin Rage? has any individual SEEN MY NIRVANA CD? Sorry, for a second there, I… Continue Reading →

The Eternal gift Card Quandary

found treasure See, this is why one must tidy up their desk multiple times a week, rather than only doing it before Mercury goes into retrograde, because they just might find a treasure trove of random gift cards! Over the… Continue Reading →

Avez-vous déjà eu un mulet?

Faites de nouveau le mulet! Pour le compte rendu, je ne suis pas anti-mulet. En fait, j’ai un amour et une appréciation en profondeur pour le bébé Mullet de Connor Claire! J’ai aussi eu un mulet avant, mais c’était involontaire…. Continue Reading →

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